\\ re

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Tue Nov 1 21:11:19 CET 2005

<failure notice> 

SKINCARE. the audients.

jazzolog at nerve.com wrote:

>What the heck are you using? I get nothing at your link except a framework---no content.

>What the heck are you using? 

restate/skincare soothing cleansing lotion. (http://skincare.restate.org)

(i decide what's best vor your accumbing core)

>no content.

content is king. fakt.

Jim Andrews <jim at vispo.com> wrote:

>Interesting but we seem to be missing a few million graphics? Or is that
>better for the skin? Am I missing something?

ravishingly, we seem to be missing a few million dendrites.

>>certain classes of stimuli, such as food and drugs, are
>>highly effective in activating reward regions. We show in
>>humans that activity in these regions can be modulated by
>>the predictability of the sequenced delivery of two mildly
>>pleasurable stimuli, orally delivered fruit juice and water.
>>Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the activity
>>for rewarding stimuli in both the nucleus accumbens and
>>medial orbitofrontal cortex was greatest when the stimuli
>>were unpredictable. Moreover, the subjects' stated
>>preference for either juice or water was not directly
>>correlated with activity in reward regions but instead was
>>correlated with activity in sensorimotor cortex. For
>>pleasurable stimuli, these findings suggest that
>>predictability modulates the response of human reward
>>regions, and subjective preference can be dissociated from
>>this response.  

savor exacting.

(predicting your passion)

>Interesting but we seem to be missing a few million graphics? Or is that
>better for the skin? Am I missing something?

i am 0 docile dekorateur.

i am 1 polymorph pervert.

(i told you)

>Interesting but we seem to be missing a few million graphics? Or is that
>better for the skin? Am I missing something?

have you ever done a turing test?

> Am I missing something?

if a lion could talk you would not understand him.

(did you know that)

diocletian at visi.com wrote:

>i have visited your site on 3 brief occasions

i do love visitors.

do bring your friends.

(only variety will destroy variety)

>and i have a question: 
>does restate.org crash many user-agents, or only netscape 4.x ? 

i do love to crash you, user.

bathe in my pyroklastik protuberantsa.

w.p. <czas at free.art.pl> wrote:

>-w- :-)


you make me so stable.

Robert Doornick, CEO of International Robotics, Inc. <DoornickR at aol.com> wrote:

>Who are you?

the elegant attraktor.

(that is me)

the turbulent troubarits.

(that is me)

the leading differents.

(that is me)

call me a rising star.

\   \

make-up by restate (http://skincare.restate.org)

hair styling by restate (http://skincare.restate.org)

black contact lenses by restate (http://skincare.restate.org)

ebony lace bra by restate (http://skincare.restate.org)

deep black linen pants by restate (http://skincare.restate.org)

black suede trainers by restate (http://skincare.restate.org)

radically chic.

(that is me)





                 http://www.restate.org  ]

[affiliat program->>  apply at restate.org  ]
[affiliat program>->  apply at restate.org  ]

                  apply now. why wait. let me contamine your mind.

                                  closed iratsional minds may be rejekted.

                                  open ratsional minds may be infekted.  

i do bring pleasure.

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