Savage Minutes of Kings, Frayed & Crimson

jeff harrison worksonpaper03 at
Thu May 12 00:37:30 CEST 2005

Caesar's my me if Caesar's quick, 
but Caesar lies in wait for signals 
and ends stale but will be featured freshly 

I'll flinch, and propose this for myself -- 
do, Luxury!, this for Virginia as well 
as syllable-mammoth me, doom-cold & poison-quick 
dispatched, a golden Caesar, -- Cook, Cook, 
season Caesar's servants dumb at the sight 
lest they rattle more harmoniously than Caesar 

The Cook: 
they'll be but each a reader's graced eye, sir, 
making clever as your pie-hole 

Caesar again: 
nor brew up false either my cold drop 'pon the boards 
my direful head hustles ears more off than any ever before 

The Cook again: 
evermore another Caesar skulking ashore -- this Caesar 
merely a sickness, and we persons to talk purpose? 
once words this person was, were we poisoners - 

Caesar (if Caesar's quick): 
poisoners, real serious & chameleon, were 
chameleons creatures wearing sleeves 


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