\\ net behavior pula mea etc

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Jun 29 16:29:09 CEST 2005

some one

>> he is a grand gentleman who stutters on the stares
>> she is a grand lady stairing at the gentleman
>> the gentleman carries a huge burden
>> the lady carries a greater one
>the trick is to drop the burdens. 
>at the tone, replace conquering, inhabiting. 
>deterritorialize. dare 2 free flow around
>> monsieur duchamp, thank you very much for the human body
>> and we appreciate your ability to run up and down stares

nietzsche, duchamp, etc = kolorful pak.ages 4 korporat pop.tarts
quote your friends MOTHER FUCKERZ

Marc Garrett

>*Netbehaviour residency/dicussion.*
>Jason Nelson has just ended his 3 week residency on the Netbehaviour list.

residency - synonym for welfare

>The discussion has now begun and is chaired by Marc Garrett from 
>Furtherfield.org, who is interviewing Jason about the work created on 
>the residency. It is an open discussion/forum, and anyone is invited to 
>take part. So pop in, view the work and ask some questions...

Garrett - if you dont chill with the mcdonalds [or nietzsche if you like] behaviour
I'mana fana kik ur british MOTHER FUCKING komponents all ovr the net - Balkan behaviour

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