the island

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Thu Jul 21 20:39:41 CEST 2005

the island

no, nothing happens, nothing moves
some iceplants move in the foreground
is it an island or artificial coagulation
structures are oil pumps and attendant machinery

the island is perfectly poised
i do not know, does it float? surely it is anchored
sometimes in enormous seas islands have difficulty
perhaps this can float away

men live on the island for a week
i'm peering behind some iceplants
i couldn't see the men but could see the palms
the palms perhaps are real and perhaps not

what would anchor the palms?
what would anchor the men on the island?
what anchors the men anchors the palms
both are anchored to the earth and its bodhisattvas

the island is not an island
not an island is an island
if this is an island is it not an island?
if this is not an island is it an island?

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