Media education event in Berlin, transmediale.05

balint anna bonzo at
Wed Feb 9 08:44:39 CET 2005

To be honest there are things that I am not curious about, such as for
example media education events: they are very boring. I am also not
curious at all whether the scum at, bonzo at
address belongs to a certain Geert. I am sure that Geert Lovink does
not exist since I am in process with him in Hungary. He wants to kick
me out of my appartment, pretending that it is his appartment, while
nobody on this earth can be sure whose appartment is my appartment.
Beware,  not only Geert’s work is fictive, but he is a fictive person. 
identity hacking is boring when nobody on this earth would confuse me
with a fictive person, I am me, my appartment is my appartment and I
have absolutely nothing to do with certain  fictive addresses and a
fictive person.

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