Bjørn Magnhildøen noemata at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 11:53:48 CET 2005

alucilepaniepapapovapsatirfatatapatatapollisaprutr creating a li guess
they she' save a free  seuqetreusoneus
x     x    x x    x    x     x................. qua wild7/16
tetazatixatyksihwlaa oitisn  emp si sx x
omavelavotnauchctertshguoneeulavrelav sobresobrequand we add t let's
sheis tagged to where the seuqetreusondemocracy piit wouldn' qu
junnecessary since it ech evlovrevlovral
tetazatixatyksihwlaataco, you act lownershipretardation helps throu
em2.any other word wi omavelavotnauchcter same, it takes a dcontinues,
the t letwe direction earlier. the d adivej......from the beginning and
e vi 4along the line, things evlovrevlovraloo twined, sometimes pla when
it  we all downwards all the way. p spaghett le g311objects. verbs p
ownershbusco, owner and calls i with own 251/    same, it takes
cementation. language m le g311/ delay is outsou the planet through gr 7
    o o o o o o o o o somethin well, we could hahambrehamburgo haB B B B
B B  beginning and end. looki.

aeverything is growing like a tree so conflict bewteen branches, we should  
begin in the other end, what does that mean? there are the fruits, while  
the tree self-organizes. the difference, everone their own self-organize,  
i'd switch my life for, wsitch, the itcherence, layer, melodyline, idyll,  
reverence ever, techo-refuse, into metaphor into i forgot, the  
slow-manipulation of handicraft, concentric circles, anemic cinema, all is  
lost, the blood centrifuge, images the door opens the lock, the lock is  
another door (on the door), or, the door another lock on the lock, if  
everything was open then everything was closed, what we mean by open is  
the closed, is the abstract below? we thought it was above, maybe a lock  
on the lock, the centrifugal, as if center, is the point?, at least size,  
or scale, intensity, particles, the interface saturates, in-form,  
intensity saturates/in-form into interface, which means in a mcluhan sense  
that the form is already saturated is what i mean, content is brownian  
motion, still we don't know if it's a gun or a wave, abramovic has a  
kalashnikov, mean, cut piece, undressing the form, un-forming,  
un-saturate, the mean value is saturated, the wave interference hungry,  
for the centrifugal this is in/out, the effect of direction, the dimension  
is virtual, we thought they were real, in the end only the real was real,  
i mean the interface, the meeting of itself, the door meets the door, the  
rest is lock, which means a displacement of itself, two types, the magical  
door which displaces, and the displaced door, one leaves, the other leaves  
you. three

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