
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sat Dec 17 18:17:13 CET 2005

>Plus, manifestarile publice ale sferei politice care identifica ortodoxia ca religie o
>ficiala, ceea ce nu este normal intr-o democratie.

daca asumam ca democratia este normala

seneca - it is logical that the illogical should contradict the logical.


>   A spune ca sunt multe biserici nu inseamna ca vrei sa distrugi biserica. Pent
>ru un ateu ele par prea multe, pentru un calugar prea putine.  
>   Cat despre intentia de distrugere cu adevarat a bisericilor, eu nu ma bag. Vr
>em ca religia sa fie o problema exclusiv personala 

tot ce este personal este automat social

>si oamenii sa nu mai mearga l
>a biserica? ok. asta e si alegerea mea.  Si cred ca asta e viitorul religiei si 
>a spiritului. Dar asta se face cu pasi mici, natural.

inainte de biserica a existat credinta
inainte de stadioane a existat jocul
inainte de galerie a existat `arta`
inainte de         a existat atractia

dar sint de acord cu pervasive spirituality art etc which is inherent in small communities\villages
whether it is feasible in an ever more specialized society remains to be seen

the objective is not distrugerea bisericilor/galeriilor/etc per se
but their extension into every aspect of life - much as a relationship 
progresses from attraction to lasting attachment. 

the objective is to shift from the 15min\reclama time scale to a continuum\pervasive state

>   Dar acei oameni eliberati 
>de gregarism se poate sa nu mai cumpere nici arta, 
>sa nu mai mearga nici pe stadioane, si nici la supermarket. 

si nici la mare. dimpotriva. liberation [reason democracy is not normal]
does not imply the absence of desire but a radical openess to it.

>Asta ar fi catastrof
>al in acest moment. Chiar (sau cel mai mult) pentru un artist. Arta a purtat mer
>eu in sine germenii (auto)distrugerii si anticiparii viitorului, insa trebuie fa
>cuta o distinctie intre planul ei si cel al realitatii. 

pfaaa - daca ti-e frica faci o distinctie.

>Nu-l iubesc pe Che Guevara.


Closely linked to the word "choosing" in the Five Books of Moses is 
the word "rakhamim".  God is described in a moment of great intimacy with 
Moses as "El rakhum", the compassionate God.  Etymology is key here.  The 
compound word compassion is a strikingly logical word for a signified which 
is so emotional---I believe "compassion" means "to feel with"--this 
formulation  is simple, logical, elementary, <primaire>.  By contrast, 
"rakhamim" is a poetical rather than a logical construct.  "Rekhem" means 
womb.  "Rakhamim" means to care about another's feelings as if one were the 
other's mother--and at a point in time when the other/child is a part of 
one's very body, inside your body.

The parallel in psychoanalysis: The analysand calls because she is in need 
of "rakhamim."  The analyst calls, offering "rakhamim" in an asymmetrical 
fashion.   But the patient who is incapable of also offering at least some 
"rakhamim" to the analyst is beyond the reach of the relationship. And to 
paraphrase Che Guevara, the analyst proposes to set in motion a bloody 
revolution in the patient's emotional life--but guided by feelings of love. 

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