
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Fri Dec 16 19:02:49 CET 2005

>  Aseara, pe nu-s ce canal de TV (toate-s o mare scirnavie!), un netrebnic,
>vocalist al nu-s carei formatii - se pare a uneia "cult" pentru junii din
>RO, din moment ce fiziognomiile celor adunati acolo pareau a fi de
>intelectuali, sustinea cu multa persuasiune ca ei nu au spatii si sali de
>repetitii pentru ca-s prea multe biserici in RO (sic!). A devenit un loc
>comun: cu-i nu ii este lene, sa dea cu barda in biserica! Asta n-am putut-o
>pricepe nici in ruptul capului, de ce nu-l deranjeaza ca-s prea multe banci
>comerciale, sedii de dealeri ai telefoniei mobile, supermarketuri, masini
>pe ulite, si alte nimicuri ale societatii de consum, ci il irita ca
>"biserici is mai multe ca gradinite"!??? 

este un compliment. 
asa cum si faptul ca unii au considerat necesar 
sa-i ucida pe tovarasii ceausescu
a fost un kompliment pt. dinsii

when faced with soemthing they cannot understand some people [cowards] try to destroy it, 
some people try to understand it [intellectuals] and the wise ones learn to love it [lovers]

dumnezeu este unul [pt. cei ca vlad nanca in orice caz]. bancile sint multe.
religia este accesibila \ equal opportunity si pt. taran si pt. artisti si pt. netrebnici etc
de la partid la biserica -- `nu ne-a lasat sa ne distram maaaaaa`

as 01 has said: `kill` your `parents`
ce ramine este pronumele `eu`.

`vlad nanca` [i reapropriated ur name as others reapropriated isus] 
deci `vlad nanca` - prin acest nume ma refer la generatia pulafashion
nu maninca animale moarte. nu merge shopping. nu merge la biserica.
in other words `vlad nanca` respinge lumea existenta si doreste sa creeze o lume propie.
ceea ce este un lucru f.admirabil. one should always be oneself.

dar momentan `vlad nanca` nu poate exista fara animale moarte. shopping. biserica. yahoo.
deoarece religia `vlad nanca` se bazeaza pe negatia acestor lucruri.

`vlad nanca` este la fel de conectat si dependent de societatea in care traieste ca `prostii` 
care se ingramadesc la cumparaturi si in biserica. diferenta este ca `prostii`
au acceptat acest lucru sau nu s-au gindit la el, pe timp ce `vlad nanca`
se lupta cu acest lucru zi de zi. cel mai mare cosmar al lui `vlad nanca` este
sa fie ca `prostii`. `vlad nanca` n-are nevoie de nimeni si nimic.
[cine stie - poate ca si la mare nu intra-n apa de frica sa nu se innece]

in realitate `vlad nanca` nu se preocupa\vorbeste despre `prostii` de la biserica etc
`vlad nanca` vorbeste despre `vlad nanca`

`vlad nanca` ne spune ca el habar nu are cine este. la un moment dat a realizat
ca el nu este ca `prostii`. o realizatie importanta dar momentan `vlad nanca` este inca
impotmolit la acest nivel unde fiecare mesaj ne comunica ca el nu este ca `prostii`

sooner or later - `vlad nanca` o sa inteleaga ca nu este vorba despre cine nu esti
dar despre cine esti.

intre timp `vlad nanca` enjoys his shopping and state funding as all other `artists`

>In mintile tulburi ale tinerilor de azi DOAR biserica e de vina pentru tot ce li se intimpla...

pai ... biserica este mai accesibila decit `eu`

one does not do the opposite of what one wants.

> Si exista, evident, o explicatie pentru asta - in fata lui Dumnezeu toti
>suntem egali, or tocmai asta nu vrea omul contemporan (hedonist, liberal,
>egosit si individualist), sa fie egalul celui de linga el, egalul fratelui

dar aceasta dorinta nu se poate preda nici ordona [dupa cum a incercat comunismul]
trebuie traita - see below.

> Confuzia fundamentala care se face se datoreaza incapacitatii de a pricepe
>o data si pentru totdeauna ca raportul dintre om si biserica este unul
>strict INDIVIDUAL. 

corect. au realizat pe scala mare ceea ce se intimpla intre doua persoane.

everything else [comunism. capitalism] failed.

if aging brains get it right, the coming rigidity is tempered by tolerance
and detachment. with advancing years and the accumulation if experience
at one point, brains reach a threshold and undergo a state transition, such that on
passage there is a remarkable coming together of all that is past,
an awareness of global interconnectedness between the accumulated recollections
and understandings over the years. this is the state of wisdom.

it cannot be directly sought or striven for but it is recognized when it comes 
[palms with little drawings of branches and dirt]
and it brings a serenity and graciousness of knowing how small the sense of
self is, how transient are its aims and impacts, and how broad is the range
of interconnection with other selves by influences too small to be singled out
and labeled, yet undeniably acting within -

in the way that a single neuron in cortex `knows` what is to be done from the field
of activity within which it is embedded, without the need to know
`why` or `what the big picture is`.  it is sufficient for a neuron 
to perform as a neuron is designed to do, and for a woman or man
it is enough to know that one has met a challenge or passed 01test without 
realizing that a test was in progress.

not everyone achieves this state of mind, and it is not communicable in words
or by teaching, but it is there and has been written about, and when one arrives,
one knows that the future has joined with the past to make a circle outside time. 

Life has been considered as a preparation for death from the times of Socrates. 
At the same time Epicurus has taught us that there is nothing dreadful in life for the man 
who has truly comprehended that there is nothing terrible in not living. Starting from there, 
one could even strive for happiness. Epicurus observed that of all the things that wisdom provides 
to help one live one's life in happiness, the greatest by far is the possession of friendship. 
Such was his attachment to congenial company, that he recommended that one try never to eat alone: 
Before you eat or drink anything, consider carefully who you eat or drink with rather than what you eat or drink; 
[and equally important whom you `eat`] for feeding without a friend is the life of a lion or a wolf 
(quoted in Seneca, Epistulae Morales XIX, 10). 
But how to deal with the death of a friend? 

you seek pleasure + not self.
the inward turning of the worker kontrasts with the outward turning of the dancer.

    all days shall be holy to me - so once spoke the wisdom of my youth.
    verily the language of a joyous wisdom.
    but then did steal my nights, and sold them to sleepless torture

    and once did i wish 2 dance as i yet had never danced:
    beyond all heavens did i want to dance. then did you seduce my favorite minstrel

    only in the dance do i know how to speak the parables of highest things
    and now has my greatest parable remained unspoken in my limbs

one is one self with pleasure

 Netochka Nezvanova  -  Ex.pressing. your interior world. Lift 2 Ex.perienss.  
 f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST - if see something so wonderful it hurts - i rent it.
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