ok, the buddha stuff < my > is running out of steam.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Dec 6 08:11:51 CET 2005

ok, the buddha stuff < my > is running out of steam.
so what if the real can be turned beautiful?
can you turn prisoners out of hidden torture camps?
interesting to watch shattered-usa try to get out of this one.
we don't torture but whatever we do we protect you.
buddha disappears into a blur of colors.
the cpu distorts the reality it creates.
nothing is distorted and everyone using a computer knows nothing is
misery becomes everyone in the world.

Pray for the Pigeon

the pigeons, rock doves, don't live long in new york. yesterday i
saw one, feathers i think covered in oil, in any case, they were all
askew, she was begging for food like the rest of them, many won't
live through the winter, those who do often lose toes to frostbite.
there was nothing we could do. if you believe in a god, pray for her.
i don't, i can't. it's enough to report on this dove which haunted
my dreams, it's selfish, this haunting.


we need another universe. perhaps arrange buddda next to buddddha,
run as long as you like. i can't meditate, i can only watch a cycle
or two, but the files aren't all that large.

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