my work is no longer valid

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Thu Aug 25 00:48:52 CEST 2005

"i've always wanted to make an experimental movie.
"i've run out of ideas.
"this is already 24 megabytes and i've been reducing.
"it's an experimental movie.
"it owes everything to joseph cornell.
"it's about the forces of nature and industry.
"everything i've seen is exactly like it.
"it's an experimental movie.


our innermost being
murmur of purring machines
constant sleepiness in the hollow waiting for our demise

beings before us, beings after us

our sense of being, equivalent to being,
would a bee or a hummingbird, Heidegger, Dasein
these are not idle questions

i've always wanted to make an experimental movie
now in the heart of the heartland, why not?

for these are empires in the making, all of them
and we won't be here much longer

i wouldn't even wait if i were you


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