FW: Invitation

tamara lai tamara.lai at skynet.be
Tue Aug 16 08:34:49 CEST 2005

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De : "Gino d'Artali" <info at the-cause.org>
Société : C.A.U.S.E.
Date : Sun, 14 Aug 2005 20:20:18 +0200
À : tamara.lai at skynet.be
Objet : Invitation

Dear Artist and or Poet,

Recently C.A.U.S.E. has been invited to compose an art- and poetry
exhibition in support of a Equadorian campaign aiming to create awareness
about Ninos Trabajadores (working children), and moreso to inspire their
parents to avoid such kind of child abuse i.e. domestic violence that often
comes with or eventually is part of children's lives in such situations.

The organising organisation is the PMT, Programa Del Muchacho Trabajador del
Banco Central del Equador, and the resulting exhibition, in 2006, to travel
to Quito (inauguration), Ibarra, Esmeraldas and Riobamba, all cities
situated in Equador.

Where possible the exhibition in future will also be presented in Belgium
and other countries, under organisational supervision of C.A.U.S.E..

We hereby would like to invite you to participate at this very important and
necessary event.

Please visit the following websites for more information:

www.the-cause.org and the D.I.S.A. link.

For general information:


Your support is highly needed and appreciated. Domestic i.e. sexually
oriented violence and child abuse is a huge social problem and any support
for C.A.U.S.E. and its affiliates is one more voice helping. Thank you!


Gino d'Artali
Director C.A.U.S.E.
Susan V. d'Artali


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