' full demand'

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Apr 20 07:54:55 CEST 2005

' full demand'

no no no no no
i demand that you show my work
you need to show my work if you don't show my work i'll die
no no no not that way
i demand you show my work because of its merit not that i want to live
i'm not sure i want to live anyway and i don't want to live if you don't
  show my work
no no no no why would you want to show my work that way
i want you to show my work this way
i want the frame i need the frame there must be silence
there must be silence surrounding my work silence inhabits my work
without silence my work is noise and nothing but noise
with silence there is the anticipation of my work and the memory of my
my work my work my work it's all about my work
i want my work shown with a very high ceiling an invisible high ceiling
shown with a dark black and in fact invisible floor
you're suspended between nothing visible and nothing visible
and yes of course nothing to the left and nothing to the right
and so much time that there is nothing before and there is nothing after
nothing but my work work work
no no no no no i demand you show my work my work not that way my work
  just this way just this way and no other
i demand you show my work in any case no no no no no no no just my work
just my work in any case
i want my work shown with no one entering and no one leaving
shown with no one entering before my work and no one leaving after my work
no no no no no no no no no not that way not that way at all
just this way nothing above nothing below nothing before nothing after
nothing left and nothing right no no no not that not that way
i demand you show my work

'this is the demanding letter of the work
'following the begging letter for the work
'following the implication and the complicit letter
'preceding the letter of engagement and the letter of articulation
'preceding the letter of acquiescence and the letter of no demand
'following the letter of full demand the letter of presupposition
'within the letter of presupposition the letter of full participation
'the demanding letter of the showing of the work
'following the useless begging letter of or beseeching full work of
' full demand'

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