Friendless in SpamGirlTown.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Tue Apr 5 19:03:01 CEST 2005

Friendless in SpamGirlTown.

 	Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all
other goods. Is this sentence a SpamGirlTown sentence or is it a
SpamGirlTown interval sentence or is this clause a SpamGirlTown clause or
not a SpamGirlTown clause. Well I never did! Some of these statements are
from SpamGirlTown. New girls job in our sight. Perhaps this statement is
from SpamGirlTown.
 	There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed.
Sometimes I say to myself, yes, this is a SpamGirlTown statement, and you
can easily guess which one, but then perhaps you can't.
  We keep the concept site of beauty and respect drive for our LOLLIES
bodies. What does it matter if this were SpamGirlTown or not, and no, it's
not just the second or the third statement after the first but perhaps the
sentences that talk about the SpamGirlTown sentences.
 	Bashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age.
Great things are done when men and mountains meet. On one level this is
perhaps a SpamGirlTown sentence but on a meta level this is clearly an
about statement about SpamGirlTown because there are no girls in this
sentence. This is not done by jostling in the street. Amazingly there are
luscious breasts in this sentence even though it's not a SpamGirlTown
sentence but it always makes you wonder. It's not a question of happiness,
it's a requirement. For a meta-SpamGirlTown sentence to have a requirement
it must have a SpamGirlTown-sentence subject. Consider the alternative. I
am even though this is not SpamGirlTown and never was.


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