On Brilliant Immigration Policy

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Mon Sep 20 05:16:31 CEST 2004

What is the cheapest way for some poor Mexican from Tijuana to visit 
his relatives in Mexico City? Just walk over the border to the 
Read on.

On Aug. 8, a group of 77 Mexican migrants caught crossing the US
border were flown to Mexico City--instead of being taken back
across the border by bus--under an interior repatriation program
arranged between the US and Mexican governments. The program
began July 12 and is set to run through September. The Mexican
government delayed its implementation until the US made
assurances that no one would be forced to board the flights [see
INB 2/21/04, 6/5/04]. Representatives of the Mexican Consulate in
Tucson interview each migrant to make sure participation is
voluntary. The US government budgeted $13 million for the
flights; the Mexican government pays the deportees' bus fares
home from the airport. [Arizona Republic (Phoenix) 8/10/04,
8/17/04; AP 8/12/04; ABC News 7/14/04]

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