New US WMD-s

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Mon Sep 13 18:24:54 CEST 2004

As we are all impatiently waiting for North Korea to complete its 
first nuclear bomb test, while the US forces are hopelessly boged 
down in the middle of Persian desserts, it may be a good time to look 
at the U.S. own nuclear program. This, after all, is the country with 
the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and other WMD-s. And its 
sitting president believe he and his people are accountable only to 
God (whose judgement though cometh on day, may be a long way 
away...). This report is from Danish Peace Academy (intentionally I 
sought a non-U.S. source):

It appears that the monopoly on nuclear weapons research, under W. 
Bush and with help of the Carlyle Group and some Navy admirals, 
shifted from the University of California, where it had been for half 
a century, to the University of Texas...

And it seems that the development of new WMD-s is far from being a 
thing of the past: this administration is fully committed to mini-
nukes, the perfect terror weapon. Al Qaeda just need to sit and wait 
until Americans develop that revolutionary new technology for them.


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