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integer at integer at
Sun Nov 28 08:54:22 CET 2004

>Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.=AE (HMC), non-profit organization, inv=
>ites interested
>visual artists and writers to

workoholics orgasm

>submit application for its residency programs=
> in
>Balatonfured, Hungary.  Its principal focus is an international residency p=
>rogram to
>which artists from around the world are invited.  The goal is to provide a =
>community with uninterrupted time to work. 

                                      YES PL EASE!!!

workoholics was coined after 1x kriket obzervd
workoholics behave like alcoholics


>I suppose in 12-step one is swapping one form of dependency/control for
>another - though superficially one is 'bad' (addiction) the other 'good'
>(higher power) - they don't remove that fundamental commonality.

I don't see it this way at all, Stuart. With any addiction, one is going
directly for control. The addict plays God, e.g., by trying to will a sick
relationship/dependency into something else. Surrendering to a higher power
is the opposite move energetically -- it is a giving up of control. The
addict stops playing God in order to let the universe "self-organize" in a
matter of speaking. Now where I do see substitution of one addiction for
another is not with this content, but with the structure of the 12-step
programs themselves--sometimes people get so addicted to the actual
programs, they become unable to graduate, i.e., they never internalize the
principals and remain addicted to their form.

>Hungarian Multicultural Center, 

                torture chamber

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