No subject

integer at integer at
Sun Nov 14 13:35:40 CET 2004

>wine  it's not good for you. You are God when sober.

[very good (+ v.wise]  as indikated being god isnt as lvly as being a child


                                         conscious childhood \tm\

                                     „.smiles. i abs lv disz

>pleasure  it's not good for you. You are God when ...

wilde - i can resist anything but my temptations [pleasure]

god + pleasure = human being

human being + god = cchild

its russian roulette with `01ns` mother fucking memories - simply.delicious

>> Especially the breakfast which naturally
>> I didnt pay for - tzz
>Yes yes
due \2\ taking bak uat occident mother fukerz stole in dze 1st place

>I miss you.

szx! ... due \2\

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