A Dontigny ad at electrocd.com
Thu Nov 4 00:15:56 CET 2004

hello miss complete unit!

>progressive - defined as

defined as a pot-smokin' commie homosexual, what else?

>you like speaking of your self +?

not as much as you or alan...


yes, import our super mass produced weapon of revolt: evangelical christians

>a FAT conclusion.

hydrogenated efforts = fat conclusion

>weli weli well - what do blip have here ... another public servant 
>running for fICEKREAM

i prefer to run for something instead of running away - but i prefer 
ice cream in the long run

>so the `oppressed` wish to be like the `oppressors`

yes, just like you: since a few months you're sounding like rush 
limbaugh in drag

>you yourself utter the words that
>for years have never ceased echoing through my nights and that i shall at
>last say through your mouth:

"reverse engineer me, o my cycling 74 hunk!"

>konsum>smiles .... george bush is bringing out the passion in the 
>more beautiful races

contempt>smirk .... integer has a foot, cause she can put it in her mouth

>mais aussi he is waking up the somnolent occident maggots

yeah, the dawn of the yet-undead.

>reklama: CANADA - KOME 2 UTOPIA

SOVIET CANOOKISTAN -> we have it, 'cause you supply!

>heLp urself MOTHER FUCKER

yeah, yeah, thanks for the advice. why didn't you thought of that 
earlier, miss "i never stop complaining cycling 74 stole my ideas"?

>it is the `out` + only

wrong, it is the 'no' + care



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