A spectre is haunting Europe - the GNU Spectrum...

tomislav medak to-me at mi2.hr
Thu May 27 22:19:25 CEST 2004

GNU Spectrum public discussion


With the publication of the "GNU Pauk" reader forthcoming, we invite you 
to an open online discussion of the selection of reader texts in english 
collected under the title "GNU Spectrum" and to be found at the 
http://www.gnupauk.org/EnglishGnuSpectrum. There you can find links to 
all the original texts and to their translations into Croatian that will 
be published in the reader. The entire discussion will be published 
intact on a CD ROM that will come with the print publication.

The "GNU Spectrum" discusses the alternatives to the restrictive 
understanding and legislative regulation of intellectual property and 
copyright that serve today to uphold the corporate interests of music, 
film and entertainment industry in general. The examples of such 
distorted perspectives can also be found in the appropriation of 
scientific research and discoveries (in medicine, genetic engineering, 
biotechnologies etc.) by the private capital by means of absurd patents 
or monopolization of distribution of scientific papers in privately 
owned scientific newspapers accessible only to the richest.

"GNU Spectrum" is a collection of essays inspired by the Free Software 
movement which, with its collaborative model of production, increasingly 
imposes itself as a successful alternative to the Microsoft monopoly on 
the OS market. Tomislav Medak and Marcell Mars have made a selection of 
texts by the prominent theoreticians of new media and technologies and 
prominent actors in the GNU movement, who reflect on the possibilities 
of resistance to the stifling of freedom to create, collaborate and 
share in the broader field of intellectual production. Richard Barbrook, 
Manuel DeLanda, Lawrence Lessig, Richard Stallman, Josephine Berry a.o. 
announce the move towards GNU in art, economy, social theory, politics...

The print publication, "GNU Pauk". will be published during July by the 
Multimedia Institute and DAF (both Zagreb, Croatia). In the spirit of 
the GNU movement everyone can participate in the production of this 
book, by proposing and commenting the selection of texts, issues in them 
and translations into croatian that can be found at 
http://www.gnupauk.org and that are available under the GNU General 
Public License. Your contribution will be published on the CD ROM that 
will come with the print publication.

Kind regards,
Tomislav Medak


Tomislav Medak
tomi at mi2.hr

Marcell Mars
m at rcell.net

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