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integer at integer at
Sun May 9 20:30:14 CEST 2004

>Georg Hajdu 55 at 

>I'm not the slightest bit surprised about the accounts of torture in 
>Iraq. It was meant to happen, as this was the consequence of a mindset 
>that was rampant since 9/11, or maybe even since Bush's election in 
>2000. There was a landmark article in the LA Times in 2001 in which the 
>use of torture was at least seen as justifiable and which was greeted 
>with much approval. When the American army waltzed into Iraq last year, 
>one of the TV commentators, an American army general, spoke with such 
>colonial contempt about the people there "never having seen camels like 
>that before" (referring to American tanks) that the dehumanization 
>we're witnessing was just the logical outcome. The pendulum is swinging 
>back: While Bush & Co. had the license to do with Guantanamo inmates 
>whatever they choose to do, the world public is starting to watch a bit 
>more closely and is appalled by what they're seeing. Poor America!

mda - Poor occident.

democratia voastra este o iluzie, artificiala, incompetenta si abstracta,
bazata pe exploatarea si destabilizarea psihologica si spirituala.

mentionezi tortura in iraq - intreaga democratie occidentala este un mod subtil de tortura.

up your `1st world` MOTHER FUCKING life style

Georg Hajdu 55 at 


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