media impakt - support for South Eastern Europe

claudia westermann media at
Fri May 7 14:06:34 CEST 2004

Media-Im-Pakt - Programme information
Media-Im-Pakt was created to promote projects that

1.	have been evaluated positively by the 
Media Task Force in Brussels or the National 
               Working Group in the respective country,
2.	generally improve the working conditions in the media,
3.	take into consideration transnational aspects and cultural diversity,
4.	strengthen civil society and individual 
citizens' sense of responsibility as well as the 
               of women,
5.	reflect the demand for local and regional initiatives.

Consideration of applications
Applications - in electronic format - should be sent directly to ifa at
media-im-pakt at

and, in addition, as a print-out to the postal address:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V.
P.O. Box 10 24 63
D-70020 Stuttgart
In the interest of a speedy processing of the 
application, only fully completed forms will be 
accepted. For the application to have a chance of 
success, it must also comply with the project 
subsidy guidelines and media project criteria 
stipulated by the stability pact.
Please be informed that the deadline for the 2nd 
application turn in 2004 is March 31st 2004. For 
the 3rd turn applications must be submitted to 
ifa by 15th May 2004. A decision (taken in 
conjunction with the Foreign Office) can then be 
expected by end of April/middle of June 2004. If 
your application has been approved, you will 
receive confirmation of the grant, i.e. a 
contract letter.

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