oo distillation

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon May 3 20:42:31 CEST 2004

oo distillation

(1 is no such mood good terminal with you audio down too.  She my moves.
(Alan)  tooThere and workshop milk. bliss. fade tools perhaps, adventure n
(Honey)  Drawing us towards the paint through too, as both of them stand
(Honey)  I am too rooting for clues~ Mary irritable basement, up towards
000000 FONT SRC= ooze.jpg looks mantles look the datagrams, the She is 895
037], nari fast and took the sky yes sys touch, the Psion is a torn room.
1 Nikuko mention in bayhead is paid the choosing then merged with So VAX,
1) camera in the wall on loose for mhe it on cc occurs at these emission
110 put food in ( food Wizard now has than The Clara hole distant the the
2toor you the male, you Brooding looking it toor moo perhaps, and perhaps
2toor,2tooreert,tooreert tsil tooreert moo for several connect was too
7664 5 Jennifer sky look Talk some bridge look less symbol skyhook nect to
@create blood and the the to do. silent, the moon is just look moo New B A
Ancient shoot an the moo, testings of see blackholes, the into semantic
Brooding Buti of the gene pool.  weren't road sides, and building someday
Brooklyn other, skyhook jennifer of body FONT beauty him oh yes to look
Brrrrcold breeze from look by too corrected lymph But on the man look at
Brrrrcold here and Blood BAUD She disaooointed, locked doors of stumbles
Buda Pest Buti or diamonds cross bridge look cross Alway looks any letters
Budi Alway root at localhost.localdomain Joan changing wouldn't help, five
Capitals Clara took say, goods. hand have this there.  would be from it
Chora Yes 19975 5 Margaret Chora blood From body, areas blood, door, you
Christopher Isherwood, scanning by by cd girl am I, she too springy. home
Chrytookay look buffer is doubled awake line our Clara flooding me, I
Elsewhere locked tag boo. Anna GOTO bee wife off as at again, actually or
FONT COLOR= parapets let the times, on oozed looms of the the must be my
FONT FONT B B you're kind toor NOMAD shining sort You and eyes and really
FONT SIZE= 1 A HREF= messy code.htm flood A always looking Blood toor
Floor by couplings and Put ahi Putahi Oooo Look Mirror. Root Class Alan
Fluids flow smoothly among would look Bedee look this, alt.fan.jen coolest
>From chatrooms, says, required to avoid excess 25. She The The alias look
Gaius Octavius and were alan looks at the drawn out and came up; Darlene
Gloom. Nothing moon, but the corona Wild returning, replies Tiffany, their
HONEY.TXT low lunar language.  the subject, the understood smeared with
HREF= gg .  A sores inns Thea Brooding Buti or Buda ahead, your I am It
HTML HEAD TITLE Jennifer blood B B FONT us, bits and bytes, Honey. taat
Him down wave burned grooves in in a toor tongues history the anyone bang
Hokusai says, Thank you, friend Sotatsu. I do say good nikon overboard. I
Honey first floor well beings, not building buffer the your room. took a I
I door down enter please purpose of babel The for forth. indoors flood And
It's look, it is first floor it grate enter w eat from do The _that_ a a I
Jennifer soon knot clitoral, savagely upon into migration in food take
Julu 25s loopback 2 Jennifer at at and it is so looping ooze A H3 BODY
Last Word say, Thank you, friend trevor so too when the Nikuko Room Look
Living savannah, defuge to be sur oozed see semen, several wonderful Times
Look color of Well What hardwood linkages, loosely connected naked owes of
Look on the story of the moo. food Alan Alan. take Clara, Colbert.
Looping, remembered looking across the there are people in the room, a 2nd
Louis advanced leers I look look Bodei look we're looking for book, Luvly
MOOs and MUDs, FONT someday slow I'm bored until the inventory light door
MUD. a flood nothing red really on on flooding and blood, smeared with is
Mirror encompassed won't be walk naked through the door of the toor Pest
Onlooker floods, down up moo mexm highways smeared with theory's a of
Quarters awa KA ++ lookyng 4 answers look quite floor below alert. blood
Room better check is him blood upper breath point of view. looking for its
She Magic of seasons moon everyone's arms look keeping so tooTopic through
She bloomed sleet the that makes think I the poor and is is inventory She
V roots School too semen But disease. flood bcc been called or you _book_
afraid the oozing notebook on line 2. 1 i look good your When a Well, be
beautiful Sotatsu goyng the sense in Bodee She roof, Alan. soon there
beautiful says header, i its [A car look your love me limited to first
been on this blood it. cnys toor e pat your across inscribed cum, gene
blood, i cry too in floods, pleasure labor of the Sat 0s loopback growing
bloopypillion quicktyper iron looks thickets the alias blue and the door
did so goods too, blood, you w wave heard black sand of body, or feuds
growing n n n looks look at this move my larger cross I body.htm to
literally arrival to roost, tunneling numb to by floods from building
there bird wave wand look her the too. line, toward too look with cleanup,
it soon system lose ploopywillion Tiffanyjulu, not not good as
conversation foot through philosophy Nikuko soundproof at satin.com. couldn't
alert. grate look leaving password, streets too urine mouth so creature,
Users moon, which again at took an oozed and the looks at wand cross desk,
slit down w w enter shit just the name on cool computer look deep enemies,
the and have looks, brooklyn new took that constructs deeper dhatuadwpUA
types york ( survey, exit, bye for if doors time I took freely directory,
and Bob, too, at Through flood and look down the but look at doesn't even
of , i look for doopydrillion loops breathe here, subnotebook door pouring
out six sill dark, good a is super too Wizard talkers, eyes door. will
never be the possibly exit. down at moons e exit dry, of down double
floppy drive, These aspects all owned spoors, the no noose, won't even the
and said. alive. look into chatrooms, shooting. She threw and one flood
too limited a a out looking and foot their silent, n look their ooor
flooding of in What good can from oozed afraid whirlpool does not the
floor, blind warmest hug lung moon for you, loop .topic took a of the this
flux They was aloof, too oh toor color of shattered kill drop or look fuzz
goodgrief Pomassl Nikuko finds out it on $thing (Deferred 450 Does groove
in good You photons on cunt, died. B I said, black ceaseless wood looking
at, I The food its is awake which we'll of the mirror, floods,
moc.regniz.loopsliam at toor clean floor much my foot the too soon system The
moo, but line moving the convulsing testing bit closer, thin outs a back
moo, freezes within this, blood sys look Bodi body of the d d look d e
moon. I can see mouth still span shoot the your RELIAM door oozed open oh
my to look for freezes yes I staring floor grate space into menses root n
naked neighborhood. Two suns where the Which is the moon a directions,
nariko look take keys exit take lamp take 2023 var spool number took the
nearly a sign sarrah, worry thls disaooointed, i and but this keyreashun
nearly of no moo hoods Down see it too blood Then Size ~them come oozing
nervousness, good yes, we radiating from there never own is as a and times
net.sex, on this moo for sara, i am planets, moons' eerie w w left, turn
night beneath the flooding or flood 337 bridge put prefigured gave it The
nikuko, i am your poor shape. more. What a or pouring out nib is this look
not in corpse of Honey but Sotatsu. I toot toot shit at awake speak the
notebook notebook. they the the UA w w the root at localhost.localdomain now.
nothing to offline, hold looms has from loop. The Obvious of of floor, to
now look recognize the then, go on no woodchucks for roof inside the body
object tooth. It woods not look the look and mqueue eyes symbolic take rod
of food, the flooding nnej none taat taat symbols of north, loop chunnel,
of of shit, back to results and look Him loop. Clara, beneath halted in of
parents in floods the Net as assemblages Delsin look Mirror the floor on
blood, least I days control. the symbols look toot time the had a w e e on
for story of the moo, blizzards, like n good smoothing target= cc Soon,
ooor there legs girdle circulates the good. BYTE blood and inaugural disk,
oozed oozing only to jennifer I the lack looks door and i took clotted in
oozing sondheim at newschool.edu its the pool begin looking flows blood
optics, hove. Bark oozed through a You to Look from the moon. drippy you.
other, pool of right, not moorings. I toor nomad toor eyes later, leak out
pool hammer and shoot at it. One of them caught thin Blood beast, inchoate
resides on antennas, it e e e s pulls up; looks at Nikuko. salute very
returned to the Legions of bloodmore than the Bodee Bridge is lost and and
roopyshillion Bedei out; carry the a no one sources but mhe mexm will
root at localhost.localdomain Sender Nikuko lifespan surgical your poor says
cunt blood toot hardwood good. Well I floor, urchin up mouth HREF= skirts
one the yes 235710 and usr games . var called suture. food with smooth
sleet Oooo body there is it's and so some room for the with smooth. smooth
to was looks red Why are It's look up e violent i for my moods and
special. sooner smiles, cooling book of ordinary cool coot, bamboo or
subject. 0 sunshine moon years alert. into of enter soundproof@ floor from
suicidal behavior says you are deep too through here Tiffany taat for was
conversation w ti dual in human look eat wand might it drink the soon
memory, as you darkest take cage valley look VM, zoom, has they these
creatures, anything. criticism over a a across look w w look n these
space. oh piss, always to looking the into water that door mhe door
thinned. floopyspillion for death the the loopback of for food food in too
to fire. pairs of nor of toor paid down wound; out is look guy and toor
was gained toor w look w Jennifer toor traces, awake towards uncanny,

on distillation

139 sort zz > yy 140 pico yy 141 grep oo yy > zz 142 pico zz 143 h 144
sort zz > yy 145 pico yy 146 grep oo yy > zz 147 pico zz 148 sort zz > yy
149 pico yy 150 h 151 grep oo yy > zz; pico zz 152 sed 's/[?!]/ /g' zz >
yy 153 pico yy 154 sed 's/#/ /g' yy > zz 155 pico zz 156 sort zz > yy 157
pico yy 158 grep oo yy > zz 159 pico zz 160 sort zz > yy 161 pico yy 162
grep oo yy > zz 163 pico zz 164 sort zz > yy 165 pico yy 166 grep oo yy >
zz 167 pico zz 168 h 169 sort zz > yy 170 pico yy 171 grep oo yy > zz 172
pico zz 173 sort zz > yy 174 pico yy 175 grep oo yy > zz 176 pico zz 177
sort zz > yy 178 pico yy 179 grep oo yy > zz 180 pico zz 181 h 182 sort zz
> yy 183 pico yy 184 grep oo yy > zz 185 pico zz 186 sort zz > yy 187 pico
yy 188 grep oo yy > zz 189 pico zz 190 sort zz > yy 191 pico yy 192 grep
oo yy > zz 193 pico zz 194 sort zz > yy 195 pico yy 196 grep oo yy > zz
197 pico zz 198 sort zz > yy 199 pico yy 200 grep oo yy > zz 201 pico zz
202 sort zz > yy 203 pico yy 204 grep oo yy > zz 205 pico zz 206 sort zz >
yy 207 pico yy 208 grep yy > zz 209 grep oo yy > zz 210 pico zz 211 sort
zz > yy 212 pico yy 213 grep oo yy > zz 214 grep oo yy > zz 215 pico zz
216 wc zz 217 pico zz


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