[syndicate] Site changes

Frederic Madre fmadre at free.fr
Tue May 25 21:28:30 CEST 2004

>can someone possibly tell me if it is probable that my Macintosh computer
>produces something like this ?

no, because virus developpers are not interested in systems that real 
people do not use
for the same reason the most safe OS are Windows 95 and Windows 98
they also come cheaper than macs which are a hardware/software bundle 
monopoly which is worse than Microsoft can muster

Windows 95 is the OS of the future

>wondering if perhaps we need to reduce the size of attachments allowed to 
>the list again
>oh well ..

no, I think we need to remove this rule
it's ancient and obsolete
and this morning I sent an email which was rejected because of this
ah ah ah

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