[syndicate] Re: ????

fmadre at free.fr fmadre at free.fr
Wed May 5 14:59:32 CEST 2004

Selon astrëe galbiatta <astreegalbiatta at vnatrc.net>:
> no, dears, no !
> in these occasions,
> just tell :
> [
> form_elow als_oose big bonbon


1 If someone says something ending in a question mark, respond by 
saying "Dude?" 

2 If someone says something ending in an exclamation point, respond by 
saying "Dude!" 

3 If someone says something ending with a period, respond by randomly saying 
one of three things: "Okie," "Sure," or "Right on." 

EXCEPTION: If someone says something directly to you by mentioning your name, 
respond by saying "Lag." 


ps: alan, I could not find your a+n dunlap (or dunlop) reference...

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