[syndicate] dead c. for mel g.

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Mar 31 23:42:00 CEST 2004

Sorry but I abhor organized orthodox montheisms, Christianity, Judaism,
Islam - it is far too often they fall into extremism. Early Christianity -
look at the trampling of gnosticism (which was liberal to be sure). As
soon as you have a transcendent absolute (and what absolute isn't), you
have a filtering of reality, us/them, good/evil, etc. It's the same old
exhausted story. Here it is the evangelical christians.

The absolute is like a rock. It sits there. It is inherently violent. It
is one with belief.

I never thought 'solidarity' with Palestinians implies anti-semitism. I do
wonder where was the 'solidarity' with Jews when they were sent flying
across Europe or encamped in WWII? I think the Left at times (which I am a
member of) would have been happy if they just disappeared or died at the
time. Never do I believe the Israelis are guilty, Palestnians innocent, I
bad, P good, etc. But this is geopolitics, not semitisms or anti-semitism.

Nor do I condemn all X of any religion. The piece was written against the
film, which depicts Jews in an image so vicious I couldn't recognize
anything of my own heritage.

As far as anti-Christian, as I said above, I'm anti-orthodox. That applies
to politics as well; Bush would club me to death if he could. He's a
goddamned murderer.


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