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integer at integer at
Sat Mar 20 08:08:50 CET 2004

>"By nightfall, dozens of riot police had gathered in the center of 
>the city [Prishtina] to protect the main United Nations buildings 
>from possible attack. The crowds chose not to take them on and moved 
>on to attack the last remaining Serbian Orthodox church in the city. 
>By 11 p.m., two buildings next to church, a priest's house and the 
>offices of a foreign charity were on fire. Police and soldiers 
>attempted to disperse the crowds with 
>tear gas, 


>but their action came 
>too late to save the buildings from destruction."
>Now that they both burned all the religious objects of the other side 
>on their territories, what's left to do?
>It is also, spreading to Bosnia:

It is also called occident \ united MOTHER FUCKERS civilization

>2004-03-19 05:02 (New York)
>Bugojno/Sarajevo (dpa) - A Serb church went up in flames in Bosnia 
>Thursday night, in what appeared to be a response to 

MOTHER FUCKERS civilization

>the burning of 
>two mosques in Serbia earlier in the week. 
>The church in Bugojno, a town with a mixed Moslem and Croat 
>population 60 kilometres west of Sarajevo, was damaged before 
>firefighters managed to put the blaze out, local media reported, 
>quoting police. 
>Following an eruption of ethnic violence in Kosovo Wednesday and 
>subsequent attacks on mosques and embassies in Serbia, Bosnian 
>authorities stepped up security around religious buildings and 
>diplomatic missions. "

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