
Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Sat Mar 20 02:56:29 CET 2004


"By nightfall, dozens of riot police had gathered in the center of 
the city [Prishtina] to protect the main United Nations buildings 
from possible attack. The crowds chose not to take them on and moved 
on to attack the last remaining Serbian Orthodox church in the city. 
By 11 p.m., two buildings next to church, a priest's house and the 
offices of a foreign charity were on fire. Police and soldiers 
attempted to disperse the crowds with tear gas, but their action came 
too late to save the buildings from destruction."

Now that they both burned all the religious objects of the other side 
on their territories, what's left to do?

It is also, spreading to Bosnia:
2004-03-19 05:02 (New York)

Bugojno/Sarajevo (dpa) - A Serb church went up in flames in Bosnia 
Thursday night, in what appeared to be a response to the burning of 
two mosques in Serbia earlier in the week. 
The church in Bugojno, a town with a mixed Moslem and Croat 
population 60 kilometres west of Sarajevo, was damaged before 
firefighters managed to put the blaze out, local media reported, 
quoting police. 
Following an eruption of ethnic violence in Kosovo Wednesday and 
subsequent attacks on mosques and embassies in Serbia, Bosnian 
authorities stepped up security around religious buildings and 
diplomatic missions. "


Ivo Skoric
19 Baxter Street
Rutland VT 05701
ivo at balkansnet.org

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