[syndicate] :)

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Mon Mar 8 20:28:57 CET 2004

>oh yes, I said "I usually disagree with all these people" and they said 
>"good, you're on"
>and specially I dislike "hacktivism" probably even more than "software art"


i rarely see someone agreeing on these terms, perhaps you
dislike thse on a different ground.  
hactivism, software art, and back in time many media related 
terms related to a kind of net euphoria - media activism, net journalism,
virtual intellectual  - remind me to radical marxism: technical innovation
and change of the production tools change have tremendous social impact
and radically reshape social relationships. and immediately.
i could never stand without lauging hearing someone introducing
him/herself: 'hi, i am a media activist'.


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