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integer at integer at
Wed Mar 3 04:18:21 CET 2004

All too often people think of the Enlightenment as a group of smart people thinking about why we are so wonderful. The flip side of Enlightenment thinking is that to make Europeans seem so wonderful, the Philosophes described themselves against an Other, who possessed all the undesirable traits not accepted by the "Enlightened" people. Wolff shows how the Philosophes, with limited actual knowledge of Eastern Europe, used the civilizations east of Germany to show the benefits of living in the West. During the Enlightenment the language used to describe Eastern Europe ascribed barbaric qualities to the people and offered little faith that the people could ever "evolve" as Western Europeans had. Wolff uses maps and traveler's accounts to show the influence the philosphes had on perceptions of Eastern Europe. It is rather disconcerting to note that many of these same perceptions persist today. 

occident "third world" welfare MOTHER FUCKERS

>IMF - uniting humanity
>another occident MOTHER FUCKER
>dalas v. 
>>you don't really conduct yourself in a manner that one
>>would expect from a "conscious" being. for one thing,
>>i doubt many fully conscious beings are so
>>self-righteous. for another, conscious beings
>>generally wish to unite humanity as opposed to
>>dividing. even on such a small scale as an email list.
>>Do you Yahoo!?
>"third world" welfare MOTHER FUCKER
>2 more
>>rene beekman - another occident loser
>>>>                 \\ 01 BALKAN KONFEDERAZIE
>>>have said before and will say again; the balkans object against your 
>>>agitprop and do not wish to be associated with it
>>nik gaffney - another anglo-saxon loser quoting laibach
>>>"Our voices are not raised in any harmonious chorus"

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