Ethnic Cleansing in Iraq?

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Sun Jun 20 18:56:17 CEST 2004

"Exactly what happened when Mr. Hussein's army collapsed is disputed. 
Kurdish officials say the Arab settlers fled with the army. No 
expulsions were necessary, they said."

100,000 Iraqi Arabs were left their homes in front of the advancing 
peshmerga of the Greater Kuridstan. Kurdish officials say the Arabs 
left of their own accord. Arabs claim they were expelled at the 

Kurdish leader's adviser is Peter Galbraith, an expert in "humane 
resettlement" - as a former US ambassador to Croatia, he presided 
over the Serb flight from Krajina in 1995 in front of the advancing 
Croatian army. (

True, unlike Serbs in Krajina, Arabs in the region cleansed by the 
Kurds are mostly recent settlers (due to Saddam's Arabization of 
Kurdistan program in 1980-s). However, they lost their homes twice in 
20 years - first to Saddam, now to the Kurds. And the occupational 
authorities are turning a blind eye, when their military ally is 
doing something bad - just as they do in Kosovo to the reverse ethnic 
cleansing of Serbs by Albanians.


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