Camp Crapper

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Thu Jun 17 21:01:03 CEST 2004

The good thing about the US war crimes is that we don't have to wait 
for Nuerenberg to hear about them. They are leaking slowly and 
painfully to the public day after day.

Consider this one:

They were hiding prisoners from ICRC (Red Cross), so that they could 
do whatever they wanted to them. But in the end they hid some 
prisoners so well that even they couldn't find those prisoners any 
more, so nobody actually ended up interrogating and torturing them. 
Now they admit that the action was "deceptive, contrary to Army 
doctrine, and in violation of international law."

This was done on Rumsfeld's order. However, he was acting at the 
request of George J. Tenet, the director of central intelligence. And 
Tenet already resigned, so I guess they'll just keep piling all the 
crap on him. 


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