Transparency of Evil

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Wed Jun 9 18:23:56 CEST 2004
Just in past two days we learned the following:
a) there was a memo drafted by top Pentagon lawyers in March 2003 
arguing that US military interrogators are exempted from convention 
against torture, legitimizing later actions at Abu Ghraib and 
b) UN SC unanimously approved the transfer of power in Iraq from the 
US occupation forces to the CIA agent Allawi, a terrorist who oversaw 
blewing up vehicles and killing innocent civilians in Iraq on behalf 
of his handlers in 1990s. 
Both reports are just so bad that they require no comment. Yet there 
is nothing that we can do to change this, except to get out of the 
way of the predictable wave of vengeance, and go live somewhere in 
desolate mountain ranges, perhaps, with no internet.
Pretty depressing.

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