Fw: [syndicate] 8 Points of Attention

S.U.N s.u.n at free.Fr
Fri Jun 4 10:42:16 CEST 2004

| |
| | The Rules are:
| |
| | 1) Speak politely.
| | +Yes madame
| | 2) Pay fairly for what you buy.
| | +thank you madame
| | 3) Return everything you borrow.
| | +obvious madame
| | 4) Pay for anything you damage.
| | +What to do if stolen?
| | 5) Do not hit or swear at people.
| | +oui oui
| | 6) Do not damage property or crops of the poor, oppressed masses.
| | +Playing Counter-Society-Strike
| | 7) Do not take liberties with women.
| | + Mujeres ARE freedom
| | 8) If we ever hove to take captives do not ill-treat them.
| | ++ Zuper, oui madame
| +The Paris Morning is soo hard to the f. Mood

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