A trip to North Korea:"Journey into Kimland" by Scott Fisher

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Tue Jul 20 00:49:08 CEST 2004

7/18/2004 8:18:18 AM, Yukihiko Yoshida <yukihiko at sfc.keio.ac.jp> wrote:

>Hello from TOKYO,

Also Naerana (my country), the first official website of North Korea got ready, 
already 200.000 people accessed it. The registration is a bit strange, the password reminders
for instance are questions like: "What are you going to do first when  Korea will be united?",
But  registered, one can easily find out what are the bestsellers and the most popular
movies in N. Korea.
Normal citizens in N. Korea do not have any access to internet. There is a strictly controlled
intranet, except for the few politically most correct Koreans, probably  only foreigners can 
access the internet through that from their hotel in Phenjan.


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