the collapse

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Sat Jul 3 01:24:33 CEST 2004

the collapse

{ nerve" them { takes all without a we'll go up go we'll a pity" the takes
{ them nerve" { later" no good print "bomb deeper /[g]+/ rhyme" up /[i]+/
{ a print { up stupid } deeper in "freedom and "does them /[e]+/ } first {
takes all without a destroy go up can't we'll a pity" the takes /[j]+/
"fuck nerve" { later" no good { "bomb deeper /[g]+/ rhyme" up /[i]+/
/[f]+/ a print print up stupid city" deeper in "freedom and "does kill
/[e]+/ } first { takes us without a destroy on up can't freedom a }
greater" up /[j]+/ "fuck nerve" { } no good { print deeper { } up } /[f]+/
a "in print up this city" a in makes and print kill /[e]+/ } and print
takes us fury a this on up "i freedom a } greater" up } print nerve" print
} no good /[h]+/ print deeper { } up } } a "in "i up this this a fury
makes and print and } } and print and makes fury a this this up "i "in a }
} up } { deeper print /[h]+/ good no

will bombs fury { them "in deeper "our { this them this { "our deeper "in
them { fury bombs will } print "fuck { cut "our "bomb } them we'll } "our
} we'll them } "bomb "our a { "fuck print pity" will bombs without { them
"in deeper "our { this them this { "our deeper "in them /[g]+/ fury bombs
will } print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our "bomb } them we'll nerve" "our }
destroy them } print "our a { "fuck print pity" will bombs without { them
print deeper "our { city" them this /[e]+/ "our nerve" freedom them /[g]+/
fury bombs will } print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our in /[g]+/ them freedom
nerve" "our /[e]+/ destroy them city" print "our a print "fuck { pity"
will bombs without { them print a "our print city" them destroy /[e]+/
"our nerve" freedom them /[g]+/ in bombs cut } print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our
in /[g]+/ them freedom nerve" "our /[e]+/ destroy them city" print "our a
print "fuck { without bombs bombs without { "fuck print a "our print city"
them destroy /[e]+/ "our nerve" freedom them /[g]+/ in "our cut /[f]+/
"fuck print

print { never will cut { "hold { course "our cut "our course { "hold { cut
will never { print } will cut /[d]+/ print { and bombs cut print the { the
print cut bombs and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will swerve" print { swerve" will
cut { "hold { course "our cut "our course { "hold { cut bombs never {
print } will cut } print { and bombs cut print the { the print cut bombs
and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will swerve" print { swerve" will cut /[d]+/ "hold
{ course "our cut "our course { the { cut bombs never { print } will cut }
print { never bombs cut { the { course print cut "our and { "hold /[d]+/
cut will swerve" print { swerve" will cut /[d]+/ "hold { and "our cut
print course { the { cut bombs never { print } will cut } print { never
bombs cut { the { course print cut "our and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will
swerve" { { swerve" will cut /[d]+/ "hold { and "our cut print course {
the { cut bombs never { print } cut will

we we } "the "the { fighting we for" print "the print for" we fighting {
"the "the } we we /[b]+/ "the "the /[b]+/ we we for" print "the { fighting
we fighting { "the print for" we fighting /[b]+/ "the "the } we we } "the
"the { fighting we for" print "the print for" we fighting { "the print }
we we /[b]+/ "the "the /[b]+/ we we for" print "the { fighting we fighting
{ "the print for" we fighting /[b]+/ "the "the } we we } "the "the /[b]+/
fighting we for" print "the print for" we fighting { "the print } we we
/[b]+/ "the "the /[b]+/ we we } print "the { fighting we for" { "the print
for" we fighting /[b]+/ "the "the } we we } "the "the /[b]+/ fighting we
for" print "the { for" we fighting { "the print } we we /[b]+/ "the "the
/[b]+/ we we } print "the { fighting we for" { "the print for" we fighting
/[b]+/ "the "the } we we } "the "the /[b]+/ fighting we for" print "the {
for" we fighting { "the print } we we /[b]+/ "the "the

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