No subject

integer at integer at
Tue Jan 20 02:44:04 CET 2004

>It was a new kind of life for me, a country life which I never tried before

[what kind of eastern european are you]

>and we didn't bother about NATO planes and bombs anymore
>I really admired the optimism and heroism of my wife, her belief in future.

thank you

>who "won the war"

those who life what the invaders cannot kompute

>Even after signing the peace treaty NATO wanted to   
>show who "won the war"  

its coming ... silently
under a form undetectable + implacable
like "twelve  bottles of excellent and tasteful cherry syrup"'
yet souuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur

     <    <
     \+\  \+\
       >    >

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