
human being human at electronetwork.org
Sat Jan 10 05:42:19 CET 2004

brian, you can do whatever you want, but from my perspective
your mood swings are very, very palpable, and the noise that
surrounds some of your messages seems to correlate with cer-
tain phases of those swings.

we're all very busy with other things, and it's the rare ex-
ception when we consult with each other about a message. this
is occasionally a source of tension, because we've never fig-
ured out a sensible way to communicate on a regular basis, so
sometimes messages sit for days or even weeks in the inbox --
then i approve them and _____ hassles me, or _____ does some-
thing and i hassle him, or whatever. that's the reality of how
nettime works; when you get impatient, your messages assume all
kinds of things (scheduling, reliable consultation) that aren't
what goes on. (for example, contacting _____: he hasn't been in-
volved in running nettime in over five years.)

anyway, i'm sorry you unsubbed, but i don't think it really has
much to do with anything we have or haven't done. i hope that
you sub again soon.


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