[syndicate] Swedish Foreign Minister killed by a Serb

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Fri Jan 9 18:43:41 CET 2004

I've heard the US is finally withdrawing from Iraq the team tasked 
with finding WMD. I guess that's an admission that they can't find 
any, that there is no any, that there never was any, and that the 
entire justification for this sad war (an other Blackhawk down over 
Falluja today) was bogus and fake.

Bush, meanwhile, the election year starting, and State of the Union 
address nearing, promises sending people to moon (again), and to Mars 
(relocating Guantanamo Bay, perhaps?), plus he promises giving work 
permits to all illegal immigrants in the US. So, first he wanted to 
deport all of them summarily, now he'll let them stay, so that 
Vincente Fox does not announce Mexico dropping out of NAFTA.

Arbitrary, voluntaristic, "imperial" style of government by decree, 
characteristic of  GWB, what else can anyone say?!

As for killing of Anna Lindh there is an another interesting angle to 
the story of her being killed by a Serb:

Djindjic was shot the day he had to sign papers of EU and Serbia's
intelligence cooperation, in fact to bring Serbia's security into 
EU's fold. 

The EU official who brought the EU papers to Belgrade for 
ratification is Anna Lindh. And she was stabbed by deranged Serbian 
man in Stocholm Department store. Treaty is not signed to this day. 

Serbian mafia?


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