<nettime> codework (Kristeva/Eco)

noemata noemata at kunst.no
Mon Feb 23 18:43:51 CET 2004

23/02/2004 16:00:20, you wrote:

>language is the mechanism whereby you understand what i'm thinking better
>than i do (where 'i' is defined by those changes for which i is required).

$i = an inter-face of sign-i-fiance over our shattered do (where -i- 
mediates sign and fiance (which is double itself (sign-i-fiance (all parents 
are married to their children (i am the priest (the conventional and virtual 
(of the chasm (like every convention is exactly the chasm (that's why 
(that's 'why' (what's that 'why'? ($i ()

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