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integer at integer at
Fri Feb 20 04:52:40 CET 2004

some modern crouton typed

>The NP system is constructed so that a webcam captures the painting in the 
>museum and transmits its image onto the Internet. Here's how it works:
>[The webpage is converted into analog form (i.e. a painting)] >> [installed 
>in the museum] >> [filtered through the medium of the exhibition space] >> 
>[converted back into digital form] >> [and transmitted onto the Internet]
>In short, it originates from the Web and returns back to it through what is 
>probably the world's most-roundabout process ever!!

Bored soldiers have been digging trenches and covering them for thousands of years

>And by filtering through the medium of the museum, will the "data" 
>deteriorate? Or will it mature into something else!!!!!!?

AND a more modern question - will the money [ie. natural resources] you wasted ["Natural Process(NP)"]
because you are a modern imbecile regrow +?

>Will you come see the "real" webpage painting at the museum?
>Or will you see it "virtual" through the Web? 

AND you may shut the fuck up

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