p2p phoning

anna balint epistolaris at freemail.hu
Wed Feb 18 10:16:35 CET 2004

If i look back to the communist futurology that foresaw decades ago the 
"brave new world" around 2000, sometimes i feel like calling into account the 
colonies on the Moon, the videophone and all the wonders presented in the 
movies showed in schools. I remember as child how suprised i was by the wish 
to create the "supermatter", a material that should be so condensed that a 
little cubic centimeter of it would weight as much as a huge cruiser, i still 
clearly remember the freezed frame of the film strip projected at chemistry 
classes. What a propaganda! Where is that material?

But i can't recall any vision that would have predicted free phoning,
or free  traveling. I remember how much i missed from the utopian 
enumerations my main wish: the free cabs, free rides, free jouneys, and free 

But at least free phoning is here. The only defect of it is that the person 
you are looking for must have logged in the network in the last three days.


sorry for the mac users...


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