No subject

integer at integer at
Sun Feb 8 20:07:10 CET 2004

>Début septembre 2003, j'ai commencé une campagne d'affichage pour retrouver mon enfance. 
>Vous pouvez aussi m'aider dans cette quête en téléchargeant les quatres affiches et en les épinglant dans votre quartier.

meeeer... dze odr okz!dent !nvadare


ja!me beaukoup la natur

>Dear [labyrinth],
>do you listen laibach all the time?

!tz part ov m! v.xy ztep b! ztep through lf++++

>do you mind if i ask you to take with
>you some earphones when you come to me?

ja!me beaukoup la femme

>ok. once-twice in a year is allowed, 

                             descartes error

>Je vous souhaites une tr<E8>s belle journ<E9>es.
>Pour moi <E9>t<E9> tr<E8>s bien pour une soul raison:
>que je suis allez a le marchez des fleures  et j'ai rencontrez l'homme qui
>fera le business plan.
>I should be reading, talking and writing French more often because i am
>forgetting this language.

ja!me beaukoup dez. boukle


>He start talking to me very respectful and with owe.
>He was there with her girlfriend.
>He tryied to justify his informal dress with me, since I met him dressed as
>a business man in a office (he is relative young, maybe 27 y.o.) and he was
>there now in jeans...  Of course I told HER: "You have a really attractive
>boyfriend, good for you, much better dressed in this way!" -true so I made
>him at easy.
>I have understood, to make it short.
>1 he is very attractive.....  kidding  eh eh

2x - z!mpl!.tazt!

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