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integer at integer at
Mon Feb 2 20:47:12 CET 2004

>hello nn,

allo andrej rublev

>>We do not wish Eastern Europe to be further raped by short fat bald + >ugly occ
>ident parasites.
>because my english is not the best i still got some question:
>(82) dollars ?

dollar -> euro / 15 min

>what do i get or see?

you beget an .nn passport - 
looks like a passport. feels like a passport. tastes like passport. smells like a passport
even scr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mz like a passport.

with an .nn passport you beget access to what it is you asked for
+ things other then

>pleace tell me.

pleace -> are you trying to seduce me +?
i do not wish to be seducted. i wiiiiiish to be lvvvvvvvvd

>+ pravo


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