the is

Isbn 82-92428-06-2 noemata at
Fri Dec 10 16:36:36 CET 2004

the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the 
is the is

the heteronym is dipteral (the posterior pair reduced to small knobbed 
structures), the dior is hermit (showoffs), the herbal is directional 
(homeo-path), the disclaim is henbit (toothed/flower), the heuristics is 
disconcerts (the disappointing hero), the disconform is hence (every 
place is different, "the eggs were fresh and hens satisfactory", 
position), the heroizes is disburser (cash in/out), the diplomate is 
hermatypic (commerce and cunning and invention and theft), the heroinise 
is disallowance (a bun dance).

is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is 
the is the

the host is dita (vast, evergreen), the dita is hanky (personal), the 
haves is dodder (parasitic paddle), the derry is hover (smoke/screen), 
the hammy is doses (scenes), the door is hyena (dead territory), the 
hollo is dogma (pa's cry-baby), the dreck is hat, the hmm is dene, the 
den is holp, the heads is dick, the downy is haft (offhero), the hyla is 
deus (shit), the dree is hook, the harp is dolt (sweat), the dog is doxy 
(canister), the hazy is gyms (sweater).

the the is is the the is is (the the article of double presence tense, 
the intense currency exchange the is).

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