The re-writing of History!

Séamas Cain seamascain at
Tue Dec 7 00:56:05 CET 2004

Dear friends,

It's been more than a year since I wrote to people to appeal for help in the fight for the archivist Pat Maus and the NeMHC Archive in northeastern Minnesota.  Our commotions last year ensured that Pat had a job - with income - throughout 2004.  UMD - the University of Minnesota in Duluth - provided the money for Pat's salary July-December.  UMD also proposed a new contract with MHS - the Minnesota Historical Society - and the St. Louis County Historical Society:  UMD would take-on Pat as a University employee, and assume the power of custody [NOT ownership] of the archive.

Now, however, we have to fight for Pat again.

On November 16th, the Minnesota Attorney-General's Office issued a five-page statement confirming that there has been mismanagement of the St. Louis County Historical Society, and on a number of separate issues.  An official from the AGO spoke to the Board of the Society on the 18th; she as much as told them to dismiss Director Coombe.

For additional information, please see <>.

Nevertheless, the leadership of the Society have now REJECTED the offer from UMD.  They say that they are "certain" that UMD Library employees want to go into the archive-collections to destroy documents in order to re-write history!  [Most of the Society board members are right-wing devotees - and even officers - of the Republican Party in Duluth.]  Needless to say, the rejection of the offer from UMD virtually dooms Pat and the Center - and is goofy and irrational and offensive on top of it.

They didn't have the money last year - and couldn't find any money, except from UMD - to pay for Pat from July to December 2004; so, now, in their irrationality, they are guaranteeing disaster for Pat and the Center next year.

Pat Maus, as an archivist, has supported new writing and new media.  She has also supported the inclusion of unrepresented and under-represented populations in the Archives.  She is a capable and dedicated professional.  She, and the Archive, have assisted researchers from all over the world.

We desperately need letters going to the NEWS-TRIBUNE at <letters at> as fast as possible.  These letters should praise and support Pat and the NeMHC - and criticize the decisions of the leadership of the St. Louis County Historical Society as

(unwise)  (foolish)  (misguided)  (reprehensible)  (silly)  (offensive)  (goofy)  (irrational)

Drew Digby was quoted in the December issue of the RIP-SAW [in Duluth] saying that "the lunatics are running the asylum."

Watching these guys is like watching a tragic "Three Stooges Movie."

The situation is critical.  Please help.  Please send a letter to the NEWS-TRIBUNE at <letters at>.  There is a 300-word limit for letters.  Please persuade others to do the same, WHEREVER they may live!

You need to include a phone-number and a street-address - and state or country name - with a letter to the editor, but they don't publish the personal information.  They may phone you, for confirmation.

Please do NOT send this appeal back to the NEWS-TRIBUNE with your letter.

Please help!  Thank you!

Séamas Cain



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