Insomnia 1945

dolmensniper at dolmensniper at
Sat Aug 14 20:14:03 CEST 2004

Stand up and fight
we live in a permanent state of total war
Since divorce from my vanilla long-term La Marquise sortit à cinq heures + + +
Aren't you
paying attention to me?

< your friends - siemanko, Jola
< your enemies
< your employees
< yourself - Is someone using your name?
< yourself - Is someone using you?
wo - o - o - you're in the army
Je suis presque aussi excitée que si c'était mon premier rendez vous! Mais comme
tu le dis, on ne va rien brusquer. Une fille, c'est nouveau pour moi.

all to myself except for those times .com >>>> ~finger for low end pre-
masterbatory drivel like you do, Cyrill low end pre- masterbatory drivel like
you do, Cyrill low end pre- masterbatory drivel like you do, Cyrill low end
pre- masterbatory drivel like you do, Cyrill low end pre-


This could change everything
lost a finger in a meat cutting
Trans-Europe Express - misty whistles in nighty rain - couple making love - how
many times between Venice and Dachau? how many dead horses to escape our
cherished culpability?
(also blissfully single with the word "psycho'" in compliance with Federal Law)
EURO 1600,- oblique, obsessive, obscure

10 grs of cc - brain-watched on cctv - young man looking to oneself on greenish
stried screen - a digital Narcissus his hand holding his scrotch tight a
feeling he says I am auto-queer Cyrill would like fucking me in mee arse Bwana?
yeah sure yer arse iz moyne moyne moyne from eternity to now on - delicate
moment, Bwana, is to ask Cyrill to take a shit before go to the loo Bwana
otherwise yer cock is full of shit yer underwears but ah you are the collector
the one who collects the traces the smells the sounds, well everything in
straight line somehow sure I am the Collector I collect you to death man

Please don't insult
Please don't insult
Please don't insult
Mail Delivery System
Mail Transaction Failed
Server Report Sonnerie de portable, 440 Hz, ce ne sera plus jamais toi.
Error (the organic as profoundly other, i like pornography experimental poetry
experimental pornography leads to evil evil is poetics you know, not the Evil
of the Xians, tss tss, no buddy, the metamorphic strength the quantic loggorhea
the dream of all lines and strates intertwined in endless vertigo)
E-mail account disabling warning.
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Notify about using the e-mail account.
Notify about your spontaneous meaning-making e-mail account utilization.
Warning about your e-mail account.
Of course all of this happened in a parisian bistro, La Coupole, why not, but
the Long Lady in Black is long time gone pollution alerts during summer heat
peacks everybody hiding exorbited eyes down on the Metro quays and the bomb the
great bomb its never ending falling through demented skies of interlaced
saturated RGBs textures

La souffrance n'est jamais salvatrice. Ampoule inactinique, papier Kodak Polymax
II RC 17,8 sur 24 cm. Tu aimais cette image d'Ophélie noyée. Dans le bac peu à
peu tu prends forme, incarnée plus sûrement qu'en un portrait ou un
"Metaphors suck" the General said, "but they do it well" *Increase Metabolism in
I read and re-read this book the testimony of the over-testosteroneized female
body-guards of Valerie Solanas 23 years 7 months and approximately 10 hours
spent in this subterranean bunker in her straitjacket facing the old PAL TV
screen looped excerpts of Clint Eastwood's movies her tremendous endless
silenced gagged shout until her eyes blow up bleed up out the intestinal part
of her brains all over the formica box
Dear cyrill, We examined the contents of the pages you want to have linked and
we decided we would not do it yet. Good reasons are available on demand. --
*bisou* Mouchette V i = 35 V 300 mA I scp Short Circuit This could change

Anyway I don't wear underwears
Of course not old can be not old
Cause not old is eternaly young women
A woman from the far east may be asian ladies
Cause rap video ladies can be rap video girls
Yes very old will be Granny da nanny
Alot of old grandmom is very old
While tooons is animated actshun
Imagine ladies want to audition for rap video can be ladies want to audition for
rap video
Imagine rear entrance only will be rear entrance only
And o my love my tender and sweet love pure and virginal a spring drizzle
diffracted in seven sinful colours I love you fuck off
There was a problem
to crush
broyer du noir to be down in the dumps

murmuring (sensation) burning nom non comptable; burning sensation
yet a direct attack on Centralized society

Trans-Europe Express - misty whistles in nighty rain - couple making love - how
many times between Venice and Dachau? how many dead horses to escape our
cherished culpability?
If you like what you see, let me know.
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