nato system osx

integer at integer at
Thu Apr 15 14:04:06 CEST 2004

>dear nn,
>we tryed to install nato for MAX/MSP 4.3 running on OSX.
>It did not work.
>Nato is already authorised on this computer with the system 9.2.
>The authorisation with the "ramboillet" routine works only on system 9.2

We cannot release NATO.0+55 nor any other software for MAX OSX / Cycling74 
software owing to Cycling74 policies. 

Compounding Cycling74's software policies, 
Cycling74 has demonstrated complete disregard for our intellectual property
by reverse engineering, stealing and sabotaging development. 

Cycling74 is an oasis of corporate thievery and crime.

>What is to do?

Growth within each individual is necessary so that each brain copes with the infinite 
complexity of the world, but cooperation with other brains is also a social imperative.

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