Triumph des Willen

Michael Watson michaelw at
Mon Sep 29 16:59:44 CEST 2003

"Every country has the government it deserves"
-Joseph de Maistre (1753 - 1821) Written on August 15, 1811

Referring to the "Pumping Iron" documentary:

"What comes through above all, however, is a sense of Schwarzenegger's'
indomitable will. That will is manisfested not only in his spooky
ability to sculpt his own body and in his outlandish vision of himself
as a man of destiny but also in his total, and apparently effortless,
psychological domination of his fellow-musclemen -- the way he
intimadates and tames them with his charm, his confidence, his humor,
and his obviously superior intelligence. And this domination is not
simply instinctual. It is strategic. Everything Arnold does to advance
himself (which is to say, everything Arnold does) is carefully thought
through by an analytical mind that always looks many steps ahead and is
acute and coldly realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of
everybody in the game, himself included. Megalomania usually leads to
hubris, but not in Arnold's case. Not so far."

Hedrick Hertzberg "The New Yorker" Sep 29, 2003

Are you a fascist?

"America is beset by evil, be it the scourge of illegal drugs or the
persistent threat of terror," and each American "holds the power and
bears the responsibility of America's defense," Attorney General John
Ashcroft said July 30 at the 20th anniversary conference of the
Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force. 

'Be careful what you put in that Google search. The government may now
spy on web surfing of innocent Americans, including terms entered into
search engines, by merely telling a judge anywhere in the U.S. that the
spying could lead to information that is "relevant" to an ongoing
criminal investigation. The person spied on does not have to be the
target of the investigation. This application must be granted and the
government is not obligated to report to the court or tell the person
spied upon what it has done.'
-- Electronic Frontier Foundation Analysis Of The Provisions Of The USA

'Santa Cruz City Council Votes To Impeach Bush! This is hot off the AP
wire: The Santa Cruz City Council (CA) has voted to recommend the
impeachment of Herr George Bush. There was a "survey" button that asked
site visitors to respond Yes or No to the question: Do you think George
Bush should be impeached? I clicked the Results button, and found that
a whopping 40% voted Yes. 

Maybe we can get Arnold to fill in for a spell....

at least long enough to legalize weed, pull all troops out of Iraq,
authorize $10,000 rebates for all families earning less than $50,000,
and set up a 2004 Metaphysical Music Festival.

Am I dreaming? What?'

-- a concerned citizen at

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