\\ keep ur e!ez klozd

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sat Sep 13 00:41:53 CEST 2003


  uear p!larz do dze!r uork 

>will there be nato for win32? 





L E O !!!!


                            s s

o uat !t muzt hav kozt dze angelz not 2 break !n 2 zong


!z ound b! !rcam


!z ma!nta!nd b! z!kl!ng74


tu!n touerz

>will there be nato for win32? 

1. ! race 01 klaz!k ferar! 
1. ! rezt on 01 klaz!k b&b bed

   u r t urn



>seems to run fine on windows

 ekspandd ed!z!e




>From: joshua goldberg <josh at goldbergs.com>
>To: <integer at www.god-emil.dk>

>>> what is immune.play?
>> $2999.92 \ 15 m!n +?
>and i'll bet it's worth every penny.

mr. goldberg

a portly collection of missives authored by two 'very tall. slender. beautiful + simply.estimable' men/artists [all men = art!ztz], 
you + ... an other vase painting in my attorney's possession is.  kindly refrain from sprinkling your zuperlative maskulinity in
my personal mbox monsieur


>hi nn. in my incansable search for your perfecsion.
>i appear.
>searching. searching is wht i do.
>to many things consufe my mind. the search.
>the time fo human day is not enofh.
>i end the day. frustratd.
>i want to understand nato. it's expensive.

n2o - z!mpl!.afordabl
!mmune.pla! - m m + m

>i have been learning and demo was good. but gone. long ago.
>not a max haver yet. to be soon.
>to be soon. to be nator. a see wht hasnepp.

nn's attorneys scribble on a piece of wax they're melting: the enigma of scabs !

>i got this file from one of your emmailers. i admire you. very much so. 
>so i have you as beautiful, in all your embodid forms. virtls or more.
>of anykind. so much inteligenc in seen kinds. you are a black shadow 
>not. not what dey say i so much believe. but it/s a    [nn ate it]
>i have a long story. semi vamire. one day i/d love to know yours brette.

                                   one day i shl lose you

>im trying to understand. 

hou u!l u zleep u!thout m! u!zper!ng

>iz this pssible to have access to knowledge?



zomt!mz ... !n dze even!ng

>beg respnse.


>since i lov/u.

flap flap

>various kisses of all kinds.

d!sz = uear dze g!rl zm!lz
az dze xy returnz 2 h!z zt!lou
+ ekzhalez dze uorldz great zekret
... juzt 4 her

>i wait for your reply and tell me. how shd i call uoy.

                                          zekrt branchez

>i give you the sky in stars.

dze! zat !n a dream
az e!el!dz on ur breast

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