[pavu.com] *mIss pUggirl* tUrnage to begin Under best aUgUri !

ctgr-pavu.com ctgr at free.fr
Thu Sep 11 14:35:56 CEST 2003

dear friends and colleagues,

as you all know, pavu.com is about to shoot *mIss pUggirl* movie at the 
Plining-Città studios.
First step signs into good aUgUr and mUrUpresages produced by 
Vendredi13 lapsUs to be Upgraded in Samedi13 from now.

we hope to see all of you traveling Paris this day13.

wishing you the best always,

the pavu.com Team
-/ tUrn it into stirDolce ! /-


*mIss pUggirl*
un film en backYard technologie
studios Plining-Città - Paris


pavu.com et les studios Plining-Città vous invitent à participer au 
tUrnage de *mIss pUggirl*, un film en backYard technologie, le samedi 
13 septembre 2003 à partir de 17h00.

Chaque Yardeur se verra remettre un sUgger genUIne.

Condition de participation : se munir d'un mug et d'un euro.
Inscriptions sur place.

wishing you the best always,

LA pavu.com Team
-/ pavu.com - le spUggTacle contemporaIn ! /-

studios Plining-Città
165 bd de la Villette - 75010 Paris
(entre la rue du Chateau Landon et la rue de l'Aqueduc)
M° Stalingrad
code portail : 57A19
fond de cour droite

InFo sup. : plining-citta at pavu.com

Tel le jour du tournage seulement
06 61 82 52 24

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